Source code for sherlock.lock


    A generic lock.

__all__ = [

import etcd
import pylibmc
import redis
import time
import uuid

from . import backends
from . import _configuration

class LockException(Exception):
    Generic exception for Locks.


class LockTimeoutException(Exception):
    Raised whenever timeout occurs while trying to acquire lock.


class BaseLock(object):
    Interface for implementing custom Lock implementations. This class must be
    sub-classed in order to implement a custom Lock with custom logic or
    different backend or both.

    Basic Usage (an example of our imaginary datastore)

    >>> class MyLock(BaseLock):
    ...     def __init__(self, lock_name, **kwargs):
    ...         super(MyLock, self).__init__(lock_name, **kwargs)
    ...         if self.client is None:
    ...             self.client = mybackend.Client(host='localhost', port=1234)
    ...         self._owner = None
    ...     def _acquire(self):
    ...         if self.client.get(self.lock_name) is not None:
    ...             owner = uuid.uuid4() # or anythin you want
    ...             self.client.set(self.lock_name, owner)
    ...             self._owner = owner
    ...             if self.expire is not None:
    ...                 self.client.expire(self.lock_name, self.expire)
    ...             return True
    ...         return False
    ...     def _release(self):
    ...         if self._owner is not None:
    ...             lock_val = self.client.get(self.lock_name)
    ...             if lock_val == self._owner:
    ...                 self.client.delete(self.lock_name)
    ...     def _locked(self):
    ...         if self.client.get(self.lock_name) is not None:
    ...             return True
    ...         return False

    def __init__(self,
        :param str lock_name: name of the lock to uniquely identify the lock
                              between processes.
        :param str namespace: Optional namespace to namespace lock keys for
                              your application in order to avoid conflicts.
        :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`,
                             lock will not expire.
        :param float timeout: set timeout to acquire lock
        :param float retry_interval: set interval for trying acquiring lock
                                     after the timeout interval has elapsed.
        :param client: supported client object for the backend of your choice.

        self.lock_name = lock_name

        if kwargs.get('namespace'):
            self.namespace = kwargs['namespace']
            self.namespace = _configuration.namespace

        if 'expire' not in kwargs:
            self.expire = _configuration.expire
            self.expire = kwargs['expire']

        if kwargs.get('timeout'):
            self.timeout = kwargs['timeout']
            self.timeout = _configuration.timeout

        if kwargs.get('retry_interval'):
            self.retry_interval = kwargs['retry_interval']
            self.retry_interval = _configuration.retry_interval

        if kwargs.get('client'):
            self.client = kwargs['client']
            self.client = None

    def _locked(self):
        Implementation of method to check if lock has been acquired. Must be
        implemented in the sub-class.

        :returns: if the lock is acquired or not
        :rtype: bool

        raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the sub-class.')

    def locked(self):
        Return if the lock has been acquired or not.

        :returns: True indicating that a lock has been acquired ot a
                  shared resource is locked.
        :rtype: bool

        return self._locked

    def _acquire(self):
        Implementation of acquiring a lock in a non-blocking fashion. Must be
        implemented in the sub-class. :meth:`acquire` makes use of this
        implementation to provide blocking and non-blocking implementations.

        :returns: if the lock was successfully acquired or not
        :rtype: bool

        raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the sub-class.')

    def acquire(self, blocking=True):
        Acquire a lock, blocking or non-blocking.

        :param bool blocking: acquire a lock in a blocking or non-blocking
                              fashion. Defaults to True.
        :returns: if the lock was successfully acquired or not
        :rtype: bool

        if blocking is True:
            timeout = self.timeout
            while timeout >= 0:
                if self._acquire() is not True:
                    timeout -= self.retry_interval
                    if timeout > 0:
                    return True
            raise LockTimeoutException('Timeout elapsed after %s seconds '
                                       'while trying to acquiring '
                                       'lock.' % self.timeout)
            return self._acquire()

    def _release(self):
        Implementation of releasing an acquired lock. Must be implemented in
        the sub-class.

        raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the sub-class.')

    def release(self):
        Release a lock.

        return self._release()

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def __del__(self):
        except LockException, err:

[docs]class Lock(BaseLock): ''' A general lock that inherits global coniguration and provides locks with the configured backend. .. note:: to use :class:`Lock` class, you must configure the global backend to use a particular backend. If the global backend is not set, calling any method on instances of :class:`Lock` will throw exceptions. Basic Usage: >>> import sherlock >>> from sherlock import Lock >>> >>> sherlock.configure(sherlock.backends.REDIS) >>> >>> # Create a lock instance >>> lock = Lock('my_lock') >>> >>> # Acquire a lock in Redis running on localhost >>> lock.acquire() True >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() True >>> >>> # Release the acquired lock >>> lock.release() >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() False >>> >>> import redis >>> redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host='X.X.X.X', port=6379, db=2) >>> sherlock.configure(client=redis_client) >>> >>> # Acquire a lock in Redis running on X.X.X.X:6379 >>> lock.acquire() >>> >>> lock.locked() True >>> >>> # Acquire a lock using the with_statement >>> with Lock('my_lock') as lock: ... # do some stuff with your acquired resource ... pass ''' def __init__(self, lock_name, **kwargs): ''' :param str lock_name: name of the lock to uniquely identify the lock between processes. :param str namespace: Optional namespace to namespace lock keys for your application in order to avoid conflicts. :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: set timeout to acquire lock :param float retry_interval: set interval for trying acquiring lock after the timeout interval has elapsed. .. Note:: this Lock object does not accept a custom lock backend store client object. It instead uses the global custom client object. ''' # Raise exception if client keyword argument is found if 'client' in kwargs: raise TypeError('Lock object does not accept a custom client ' 'object') super(Lock, self).__init__(lock_name, **kwargs) try: self.client = _configuration.client except ValueError: pass if self.client is None: self._lock_proxy = None else: kwargs.update(client=_configuration.client) try: self._lock_proxy = globals()[_configuration.backend['lock_class']]( lock_name, **kwargs) except KeyError: self._lock_proxy = _configuration.backend['lock_class']( lock_name, **kwargs) def _acquire(self): if self._lock_proxy is None: raise LockException('Lock backend has not been configured and ' 'lock cannot be acquired or released. ' 'Configure lock backend first.') return self._lock_proxy.acquire(False) def _release(self): if self._lock_proxy is None: raise LockException('Lock backend has not been configured and ' 'lock cannot be acquired or released. ' 'Configure lock backend first.') return self._lock_proxy.release() @property def _locked(self): if self._lock_proxy is None: raise LockException('Lock backend has not been configured and ' 'lock cannot be acquired or released. ' 'Configure lock backend first.') return self._lock_proxy.locked()
[docs]class RedisLock(BaseLock): ''' Implementation of lock with Redis as the backend for synchronization. Basic Usage: >>> import redis >>> import sherlock >>> from sherlock import RedisLock >>> >>> # Global configuration of defaults >>> sherlock.configure(expire=120, timeout=20) >>> >>> # Create a lock instance >>> lock = RedisLock('my_lock') >>> >>> # Acquire a lock in Redis, global backend and client configuration need >>> # not be configured since we are using a backend specific lock. >>> lock.acquire() True >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() True >>> >>> # Release the acquired lock >>> lock.release() >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() False >>> >>> # Use this client object >>> client = redis.StrictRedis() >>> >>> # Create a lock instance with custom client object >>> lock = RedisLock('my_lock', client=client) >>> >>> # To override the defaults, just past the configurations as parameters >>> lock = RedisLock('my_lock', client=client, expire=1, timeout=5) >>> >>> # Acquire a lock using the with_statement >>> with RedisLock('my_lock') as lock: ... # do some stuff with your acquired resource ... pass ''' _acquire_script = ''' local result ='SETNX', KEYS[1], KEYS[2]) if result == 1 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], KEYS[3]) end return result ''' _release_script = ''' local result = 0 if'GET', KEYS[1]) == KEYS[2] then'DEL', KEYS[1]) result = 1 end return result ''' def __init__(self, lock_name, **kwargs): ''' :param str lock_name: name of the lock to uniquely identify the lock between processes. :param str namespace: Optional namespace to namespace lock keys for your application in order to avoid conflicts. :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: set timeout to acquire lock :param float retry_interval: set interval for trying acquiring lock after the timeout interval has elapsed. :param client: supported client object for the backend of your choice. ''' super(RedisLock, self).__init__(lock_name, **kwargs) if self.client is None: self.client = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) self._owner = None # Register Lua script self._acquire_func = self.client.register_script(self._acquire_script) self._release_func = self.client.register_script(self._release_script) @property def _key_name(self): if self.namespace is not None: key = '%s_%s' % (self.namespace, self.lock_name) else: key = self.lock_name return key def _acquire(self): owner = uuid.uuid4() if self.expire is None: expire = -1 else: expire = self.expire if self._acquire_func(keys=[self._key_name, owner, expire]) != 1: return False self._owner = owner return True def _release(self): if self._owner is None: raise LockException('Lock was not set by this process.') if self._release_func(keys=[self._key_name, self._owner]) != 1: raise LockException('Lock could not be released because it was ' 'not acquired by this instance.') self._owner = None @property def _locked(self): if self.client.get(self._key_name) is None: return False return True
[docs]class EtcdLock(BaseLock): ''' Implementation of lock with Etcd as the backend for synchronization. Basic Usage: >>> import etcd >>> import sherlock >>> from sherlock import EtcdLock >>> >>> # Global configuration of defaults >>> sherlock.configure(expire=120, timeout=20) >>> >>> # Create a lock instance >>> lock = EtcdLock('my_lock') >>> >>> # Acquire a lock in Etcd, global backend and client configuration need >>> # not be configured since we are using a backend specific lock. >>> lock.acquire() True >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() True >>> >>> # Release the acquired lock >>> lock.release() >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() False >>> >>> # Use this client object >>> client = etcd.Client() >>> >>> # Create a lock instance with custom client object >>> lock = EtcdLock('my_lock', client=client) >>> >>> # To override the defaults, just past the configurations as parameters >>> lock = EtcdLock('my_lock', client=client, expire=1, timeout=5) >>> >>> # Acquire a lock using the with_statement >>> with EtcdLock('my_lock') as lock: ... # do some stuff with your acquired resource ... pass ''' def __init__(self, lock_name, **kwargs): ''' :param str lock_name: name of the lock to uniquely identify the lock between processes. :param str namespace: Optional namespace to namespace lock keys for your application in order to avoid conflicts. :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: set timeout to acquire lock :param float retry_interval: set interval for trying acquiring lock after the timeout interval has elapsed. :param client: supported client object for the backend of your choice. ''' super(EtcdLock, self).__init__(lock_name, **kwargs) if self.client is None: self.client = etcd.Client() self._owner = None @property def _key_name(self): if self.namespace is not None: return '/%s/%s' % (self.namespace, self.lock_name) else: return '/%s' % self.lock_name def _acquire(self): owner = uuid.uuid4() _args = [self._key_name, owner] if self.expire is not None: _args.append(self.expire) try: self.client.write(self._key_name, owner, prevExist=False, ttl=self.expire) self._owner = owner except KeyError: return False else: return True def _release(self): if self._owner is None: raise LockException('Lock was not set by this process.') try: resp = self.client.delete(self._key_name, prevValue=str(self._owner)) self._owner = None except ValueError: raise LockException('Lock could not be released because it ' 'was been acquired by this instance.') except KeyError: raise LockException('Lock could not be released as it has not ' 'been acquired') @property def _locked(self): try: self.client.get(self._key_name) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs]class MCLock(BaseLock): ''' Implementation of lock with Memcached as the backend for synchronization. Basic Usage: >>> import pylibmc >>> import sherlock >>> from sherlock import MCLock >>> >>> # Global configuration of defaults >>> sherlock.configure(expire=120, timeout=20) >>> >>> # Create a lock instance >>> lock = MCLock('my_lock') >>> >>> # Acquire a lock in Memcached, global backend and client configuration >>> # need not be configured since we are using a backend specific lock. >>> lock.acquire() True >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() True >>> >>> # Release the acquired lock >>> lock.release() >>> >>> # Check if the lock has been acquired >>> lock.locked() False >>> >>> # Use this client object >>> client = pylibmc.Client(['X.X.X.X'], binary=True) >>> >>> # Create a lock instance with custom client object >>> lock = MCLock('my_lock', client=client) >>> >>> # To override the defaults, just past the configurations as parameters >>> lock = MCLock('my_lock', client=client, expire=1, timeout=5) >>> >>> # Acquire a lock using the with_statement >>> with MCLock('my_lock') as lock: ... # do some stuff with your acquired resource ... pass ''' def __init__(self, lock_name, **kwargs): ''' :param str lock_name: name of the lock to uniquely identify the lock between processes. :param str namespace: Optional namespace to namespace lock keys for your application in order to avoid conflicts. :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: set timeout to acquire lock :param float retry_interval: set interval for trying acquiring lock after the timeout interval has elapsed. :param client: supported client object for the backend of your choice. ''' super(MCLock, self).__init__(lock_name, **kwargs) if self.client is None: self.client = pylibmc.Client(['localhost'], binary=True) self._owner = None @property def _key_name(self): if self.namespace is not None: key = '%s_%s' % (self.namespace, self.lock_name) else: key = self.lock_name return key def _acquire(self): owner = uuid.uuid4() _args = [self._key_name, str(owner)] if self.expire is not None: _args.append(self.expire) # Set key only if it does not exist if self.client.add(*tuple(_args)) is True: self._owner = owner return True else: return False def _release(self): if self._owner is None: raise LockException('Lock was not set by this process.') resp = self.client.get(self._key_name) if resp is not None: if resp == str(self._owner): self.client.delete(self._key_name) self._owner = None else: raise LockException('Lock could not be released because it ' 'was been acquired by this instance.') else: raise LockException('Lock could not be released as it has not ' 'been acquired') @property def _locked(self): return True if self.client.get(self._key_name) is not None else False