Source code for sherlock

Sherlock: Distributed Locks with a choice of backend

:mod:`sherlock` is a library that provides easy-to-use distributed inter-process
locks and also allows you to choose a backend of your choice for lock

|Build Status| |Coverage Status|

.. |Build Status| image::
.. |Coverage Status| image::


When you are working with resources which are accessed by multiple services or
distributed services, more than often you need some kind of locking mechanism
to make it possible to access some resources at a time.

Distributed Locks or Mutexes can help you with this. :mod:`sherlock` provides
the exact same facility, with some extra goodies. It provides an easy-to-use API
that resembles standard library's `threading.Lock` semantics.

Apart from this, :mod:`sherlock` gives you the flexibilty of using a backend of
your choice for managing locks.

:mod:`sherlock` also makes it simple for you to extend :mod:`sherlock` to use
backends that are not supported.


* API similar to standard library's `threading.Lock`. 
* Support for With statement, to cleanly acquire and release locks.
* Backend agnostic: supports `Redis`_, `Memcached`_ and `Etcd`_ as choice of
* Extendable: can be easily extended to work with any other of backend of
  choice by extending base lock class. Read :ref:`extending`.

.. _Redis:
.. _Memcached:
.. _Etcd:

Supported Backends and Client Libraries

Following client libraries are supported for every supported backend:

* Redis: `redis-py`_
* Memcached: `pylibmc`_
* Etcd: `python-etcd`_

.. _redis-py:
.. _pylibmc:
.. _python-etcd:

As of now, only the above mentioned libraries are supported. Although
:mod:`sherlock` takes custom client objects so that you can easily provide
settings that you want to use for that backend store, but :mod:`sherlock` also
checks if the provided client object is an instance of the supported clients
and accepts client objects which pass this check, even if the APIs are the
same. :mod:`sherlock` might get rid of this issue later, if need be and if
there is a demand for that.


Installation is simple.

.. code:: bash

    pip install sherlock

.. note:: :mod:`sherlock` will install all the client libraries for all the
          supported backends.

Basic Usage

:mod:`sherlock` is simple to use as at the API and semantics level, it tries to
conform to standard library's :mod:`threading.Lock` APIs.

.. code-block:: python

    import sherlock
    from sherlock import Lock

    # Configure :mod:`sherlock`'s locks to use Redis as the backend,
    # never expire locks and retry acquiring an acquired lock after an
    # interval of 0.1 second.

    # Note: configuring sherlock to use a backend does not limit you
    # another backend at the same time. You can import backend specific locks
    # like RedisLock, MCLock and EtcdLock and use them just the same way you
    # use a generic lock (see below). In fact, the generic Lock provided by
    # sherlock is just a proxy that uses these specific locks under the hood.

    # acquire a lock called my_lock
    lock = Lock('my_lock')

    # acquire a blocking lock

    # check if the lock has been acquired or not
    lock.locked() == True

    # release the lock

Support for ``with`` statement

.. code-block:: python

    # using with statement
    with Lock('my_lock'):
        # do something constructive with your locked resource here

Blocking and Non-blocking API

.. code-block:: python

    # acquire non-blocking lock
    lock1 = Lock('my_lock')
    lock2 = Lock('my_lock')
    # successfully acquire lock1

    # try to acquire lock in a non-blocking way
    lock2.acquire(False) == True # returns False

    # try to acquire lock in a blocking way
    lock2.acquire() # blocks until lock is acquired to timeout happens

Using two backends at the same time

Configuring :mod:`sherlock` to use a backend does not limit you from using
another backend at the same time. You can import backend specific locks like
RedisLock, MCLock and EtcdLock and use them just the same way you use a generic
lock (see below). In fact, the generic Lock provided by :mod:`sherlock` is just
a proxy that uses these specific locks under the hood.

.. code-block:: python

    import sherlock
    from sherlock import Lock

    # Configure :mod:`sherlock`'s locks to use Redis as the backend

    # Acquire a lock called my_lock, this lock uses Redis
    lock = Lock('my_lock')

    # Now acquire locks in Memcached
    from sherlock import MCLock
    mclock = MCLock('my_mc_lock')


To run all the tests (including integration), you have to make sure that all
the databases are running. Make sure all the services are running:

.. code:: bash

    # memcached

    # redis-server

    # etcd (etcd is probably not available as package, here is the simplest way
    # to run it).
    tar -zxvf etcd-<version>-<platform>.gz

Run tests like so:

.. code:: bash

    python test


Available `here`_.

.. _here:


* Support for `Zookeeper`_ as backend.
* Support for `Gevent`_, `Multithreading`_ and `Multiprocessing`_.

.. _Zookeeper:
.. _Gevent:
.. _Multithreading:
.. _Multiprocessing:



**In short**: This is an open-source project and exists in the public domain
for anyone to modify and use it. Just be nice and attribute the credits
wherever you can. :)


Distributed Locking in Other Languages

* NodeJS -

import etcd
import pylibmc
import redis

class _Backends(object):
    A simple object that provides a list of available backends.

    REDIS = {
        'name': 'REDIS',
        'library': 'redis',
        'client_class': redis.StrictRedis,
        'lock_class': 'RedisLock',
        'default_args': (),
        'default_kwargs': {},
    ETCD = {
        'name': 'ETCD',
        'library': 'etcd',
        'client_class': etcd.Client,
        'lock_class': 'EtcdLock',
        'default_args': (),
        'default_kwargs': {},
        'name': 'MEMCACHED',
        'library': 'pylibmc',
        'client_class': pylibmc.Client,
        'lock_class': 'MCLock',
        'default_args': (
        'default_kwargs': {
            'binary': True,

    _valid_backends = (

    def register(self, name, lock_class, library, client_class,
                 default_args=(), default_kwargs={}):
        Register a custom backend.

        :param str name: Name of the backend by which you would want to refer
                         this backend in your code.
        :param class lock_class: the sub-class of
                                 :class:`sherlock.lock.BaseLock` that you have
                                 implemented. The reference to your implemented
                                 lock class will be used by
                                 :class:`sherlock.Lock` proxy to use your
                                 implemented class when you globally set that
                                 the choice of backend is the one that has been
                                 implemented by you.
        :param str library: dependent client library that this implementation
                            makes use of.
        :param client_class: the client class or valid type which you use to
                             connect the datastore. This is used by the
                             :func:`configure` function to validate that
                             the object provided for the `client`
                             parameter is actually an instance of this class.
        :param tuple default_args: default arguments that need to passed to
                                   create an instance of the callable passed to
                                   `client_class` parameter.
        :param dict default_kwargs: default keyword arguments that need to
                                    passed to create an instance of the
                                    callable passed to `client_class`


        >>> import some_db_client
        >>> class MyLock(sherlock.lock.BaseLock):
        ...     # your implementation comes here
        ...     pass
        >>> sherlock.configure(name='Mylock',
        ...                    lock_class=MyLock,
        ...                    library='some_db_client',
        ...                    client_class=some_db_client.Client,
        ...                    default_args=('localhost:1234'),
        ...                    default_kwargs=dict(connection_pool=6))

        if not issubclass(lock_class, lock.BaseLock):
            raise ValueError('lock_class parameter must be a sub-class of '
        setattr(self, name, {
            'name': name,
            'lock_class': lock_class,
            'library': library,
            'client_class': client_class,
            'default_args': default_args,
            'default_kwargs': default_kwargs,

        valid_backends = list(self._valid_backends)
        valid_backends.append(getattr(self, name))
        self._valid_backends = tuple(valid_backends)

    def valid_backends(self):
        Return a tuple of valid backends.

        :returns: a list of valid supported backends
        :rtype: tuple

        return self._valid_backends

[docs]def configure(**kwargs): ''' Set basic global configuration for :mod:`sherlock`. :param backend: global choice of backend. This backend will be used for managing locks by :class:`sherlock.Lock` class objects. :param client: global client object to use to connect with backend store. This client object will be used to connect to the backend store by :class:`sherlock.Lock` class instances. The client object must be a valid object of the client library. If the backend has been configured using the `backend` parameter, the custom client object must belong to the same library that is supported for that backend. If the backend has not been set, then the custom client object must be an instance of a valid supported client. In that case, :mod:`sherlock` will set the backend by introspecting the type of provided client object. :param str namespace: provide global namespace :param float expire: provide global expiration time. If expicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: provide global timeout period :param float retry_interval: provide global retry interval Basic Usage: >>> import sherlock >>> from sherlock import Lock >>> >>> # Configure sherlock to use Redis as the backend and the timeout for >>> # acquiring locks equal to 20 seconds. >>> sherlock.configure(timeout=20, backend=sherlock.backends.REDIS) >>> >>> import redis >>> redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host='X.X.X.X', port=6379, db=1) >>> sherlock.configure(client=redis_client) ''' _configuration.update(**kwargs)
class _Configuration(object): def __init__(self): # Choice of backend self._backend = None # Client object to connect with the backend store self._client = None # Namespace to use for setting lock keys in the backend store self.namespace = None # Lock expiration time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not # expire. self.expire = 60 # Timeout to acquire lock self.timeout = 10 # Retry interval to retry acquiring a lock if previous attempts failed self.retry_interval = 0.1 @property def backend(self): return self._backend @backend.setter def backend(self, val): if val not in backends.valid_backends: backend_names = map(lambda x: 'sherlock.backends.%s' % x['name'], backends.valid_backends) error_str = ', '.join(backend_names[:-1]) backend_names = '%s and %s' % (error_str, backend_names[-1]) raise ValueError('Invalid backend. Valid backends are: ' '%s.' % backend_names) self._backend = val @property def client(self): if self._client is not None: return self._client else: if self.backend is None: raise ValueError('Cannot create a default client object when ' 'backend is not configured.') for backend in backends.valid_backends: if self.backend == backend: self.client = self.backend['client_class']( *self.backend['default_args'], **self.backend['default_kwargs']) return self._client @client.setter def client(self, val): # When backend is set, check client type if self.backend is not None: exc_msg = ('Only a client of the %s library can be used ' 'when using %s as the backend store option.') if isinstance(val, self.backend['client_class']): self._client = val else: raise ValueError(exc_msg % (self.backend['library'], self.backend['name'])) else: for backend in backends.valid_backends: if isinstance(val, backend['client_class']): self._client = val self.backend = backend if self._client is None: raise ValueError('The provided object is not a valid client' 'object. Client objects can only be ' 'instances of redis library\'s client class, ' 'python-etcd library\'s client class or ' 'pylibmc library\'s client class.') def update(self, **kwargs): ''' Update configuration. Provide keyword arguments where the keyword parameter is the configuration and its value (the argument) is the value you intend to set. :param backend: global choice of backend. This backend will be used for managing locks. :param client: global client object to use to connect with backend store. :param str namespace: optional global namespace to namespace lock keys for your application in order to avoid conflicts. :param float expire: set lock expiry time. If explicitly set to `None`, lock will not expire. :param float timeout: global timeout for acquiring a lock. :param float retry_interval: global timeout for retrying to acquire the lock if previous attempts failed. ''' for key, val in kwargs.iteritems(): if key not in dir(self): raise AttributeError('Invalid configuration. No such ' 'configuration as %s.' % key) setattr(self, key, val) # Create a backends singleton backends = _Backends() # Create a configuration singleton _configuration = _Configuration() # Import important Lock classes from . import lock from .lock import *